A new line of metallic-looking adhesive tapes to decorate hoops and clubs. New bright and fluorescent colours!Length is 11 m, width is 1.9 cm. One roll is enough to decorate a 90 cm hoop. We recommend applying transparent adhesive tape upon to protect and give a longer lasting effect.
Our new line of metallic-looking adhesive tapes to decorate hoops and clubs. New and bright colors!Length is 11 m., width is 1.9 cm. One roll is enough to decorate a 90 cm hoop.
Mirror adhesive tapes to decorate your hoops and clubs.Length is 11 m, width is 1.9 cm. One roll is enough to decorate a 90 cm hoop.
Pastorelli line of changing prismatic adhesive tapes to decorate clubs and hoops.Length is 11.40 m, width is 1.9 cm. One roll is enough to decorate a 90 cm hoop. The adhesive tape is supported by a paper film, so for this reason we recommend you cut at 1 metre intervals and apply it to your hoop separating the adhesive film from the paper gradually.
To be applied on the coloured adhesive tape. N.B. the honey colour of the tape shown in the picture disappears when you apply it and it gives a good transparent look to the coloured adhesive tape.Length: 33 m Width: 1.5 cm
MOON Phosphorescent Adhesive Tape. Length: 11 meters; Width: 1,9 cm. One roll is enough to completely cover a 90 cm hoop. The adhesive film is supported by a paper film, for this reason we suggest that you cut 1 meter of tape and roll it on the hoop separating the adhesive film from the paper gradually.